


本用户协议最后更新于 2021年8月12日


1. 呼噜猫舍目前不提供账号注册服务


1. 如果呼噜猫舍发现或收到他人举报或投诉用户违反本协议约定的,呼噜猫舍有权不经通知随时对相关内容,包括但不限于用户资料进行审查,删除,并视情节轻重对违规用户处以包括但不限于警告,设备禁封,功能禁封的处罚,且通知用户处理结果

2. 因违反用户协议被禁封的用户,可以自行与呼噜猫舍联系,呼噜猫舍将视情况予以解封处理

3. 用户理解并同意,呼噜猫舍有权依据合理判断对违反有关法律法规或本协议规定的行为进行处罚,对违法违规的任何用户采取适当的法律行为,并依据法律法规保存有关信息向有关部分报告等,用户应承担由此而产生的一切法律责任.

4. 用户理解并同意,因用户范围本协议约定,导致或产生的任何第三方主张的任何索赔,要求或损失,包括合理的律师费,用户应当赔偿呼噜猫舍与合作公司,关联公司,并使之免受损害.


1. 本条所述内容是指用户使用服务的过程中所制作,上载,复制,发布,传播的任何内容,包括但不限于账号头像,名称,用户说明等信息以及认证资料,文字,图片,语音,视频,图文等发送,回复或自动回复消息和相关链接页面,以及其他使用账号或本服务所产生的内容

2. 用户不得利用《呼噜猫舍》账号或本服务制作,上载,复制,发布,传播如下法律,法规和政府禁止的内容:

3. 用户不得利用“呼噜猫舍”账号或本服务制作,上传,复制,发布,传播如下干扰“服务”正常运营,以及侵犯其他用户或第三方合法权益的内容:


1. 用户在本服务中或通过本服务所传送,发布的任何内容并不反映或代表,也不得被视为反映或代表呼噜猫舍的观点,立场或政策,呼噜猫舍对此不承担任何责任.

2. 用户不得利用“呼噜猫舍”账号或本服务进行如下行为:

3. 用户须对利用“呼噜猫舍”账号或本服务传送信息的真实性,合法性,无害性,准确性,有效性等全权负责,与用户所传播的信息相关的任何法律责任由用户自行承担,与呼噜猫舍无关,如因此给呼噜猫舍或第三方造成损害的,用户应当依法予以赔偿

4. 呼噜猫舍提供的服务中可能包括广告,用户同意在使用过程中显示呼噜猫舍和第三方供应商,合作伙伴提供的广告,除法律法规明确规定外,用户应自行对依该广告信息进行的交易负责,对用户因依该广告信息进行的交易或前述广告商提供的内容而遭受的损失或损害,呼噜猫舍不承担任何责任.


1. 呼噜猫舍郑重提醒用户注意本协议中免除呼噜猫舍责任和限制用户权利的条款,用户请仔细阅读,自主考虑风险.未成年人应在法定监护人的陪同下阅读本协议.

2. 本协议的效力,解释及纠纷的解决,适用于中华人民共和国法律.若用户和呼噜猫舍之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决,协商不成的,用户同意将纠纷或争议提交呼噜猫舍住所地有管辖权的人民法院管辖.

3. 本协议的任何条款无论因何种原因无效或不具可执行性,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力.




SnoringUser Agreement

Developer name: Dalian Left Right Technology

Dalian Left Right Technology hereby reminds you (user) to carefully read this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) before becoming a user to ensure that you fully understand the terms of this agreement. Please read carefully and Choose to accept or not to accept this agreement. Your registration, login, use, etc. will be regarded as acceptance of this agreement, and you agree to accept the constraints of the terms of this agreement. This agreement stipulates that Dalian Left Right Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Left Right Technology") and the user's rights and obligations regarding the "Snoring" software service (hereinafter referred to as the "service"). "User" refers to an individual who has registered, logged in, and used this service. This agreement can be updated by Snoring at any time, after the update Once the terms of the agreement are announced, they will replace the original terms of the agreement without prior notice. Users can check the latest version of the terms of the agreement in this APP. After modifying the terms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the modified terms, please stop using Snoring immediately. For the services provided, the user's continued use of the service will be deemed to accept the revised agreement.

This privacy statement was last updated on August 21, 2021

1. Account registration

1. Snoring does not currently provide account registration service

2. User personal privacy information protection

3. User release content specification

4. Rules of Use

1. Any content posted by users in or through this service does not reflect or represent, nor should it be deemed to reflect or represent Snoring's views, positions or policies, Snoring does not assume any responsibility for this.

2. Users are not allowed to use the "Snoring" account or this service to do the following:

3. The user shall be solely responsible for the authenticity, legality, harmlessness, accuracy, and effectiveness of the information transmitted by the "Snoring" account or this service. Any legal responsibility related to the information disseminated by the user shall be borne by the user. It has nothing to do with Snoring. If any damage is caused to Snoring or a third party, the user shall compensate according to law

4. The services provided by Snoring may include advertisements. The user agrees to display the advertisements provided by Snoring and third-party suppliers and partners during the use process. Except as clearly provided by laws and regulations, users shall be responsible for the transactions conducted in accordance with the advertising information. Snoring will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by users due to the transaction based on the advertising information or the content provided by the aforementioned advertisers.

5. Others

1. Snoring solemnly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt Snoring's liability and limit user rights. Users should read carefully and consider the risks independently. Minors should read this agreement with a legal guardian.

2. The validity, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement apply to the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any dispute or dispute occurs between the user and Snoring, it should be settled through friendly negotiation first. If the negotiation fails, the user agrees to submit the dispute or dispute to Snoring The domicile has the jurisdiction of the people's court.

3. No matter any clause of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining clauses are still valid and binding on both parties.

The copyright of this "Agreement" is owned by Snoring, and Snoring reserves all rights to interpret this "Agreement"

Contact us

Email address: op@funnysir.com